


的 Heightening Outcomes为 P公众利益 Enrolled Students Program is an 密歇根州立大学丹佛 program whose mission is to support students receiving public benefits such as:







We support our students with ongoing case management and peer support. 的 希望 program aims to improve students’ academic, 专业, and personal aspirations by empowering self-advocacy, community and intellectual development.


  • Ongoing support from a Peer Mentor
  • 如有需要,来自博士的支持. 库珀
  • 生活技能工作坊
  • 事件 to build community and connection with 希望 members
  • Public benefits support and maintenance
  • 获取重要资源


Interested in applying for the 希望 Program?

WE ARE STILL ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS! (Must be receiving public benefits to be considered)

点击这里 for the application for 希望计划. 

希望计划 has a rolling enrollment until the program is full.


Join us for our parenting group every other Wednesday! For more information, please contact Jess Parise or y人工养殖珍珠!

——杰西·帕里斯 (电子邮件保护)

伊利·梅伯—— (电子邮件保护)




@:  (电子邮件保护)

Hi. My name is Frances light but most call me Frankie. I am your new peer mentor with the 希望 program. I started as a criminal justice major at MSU in the spring of 2020 and very quickly switched to biology with a psychology minor and now my concentration is animal sciences. On top of my own mental health issues, I had a rocky beginning when I started school and could not have persevered as well as I have without the help of the 学生关怀中心 and the 希望 program. 即使是现在, doing much better with everything, it is nice to know that the 希望 program is there to back me up and that is why I am very happy to be here to share the knowledge and the know-how of navigating all the resources and more here at MSU and beyond. I am empathetic and understanding of all situations because I have most likely been there myself. In my free time I like good music, 去跳舞, 修改和制作珠宝, 看太多Netflix, and hang with my 15 pound black cat named Boomer.

我每周在学校呆三天. Feel free to stop me and say hello or shoot me an email if you have any questions or concerns or just want to chat.






 I wanted to become a peer mentor in hopes to use the strength and knowledge I have gained from fighting my own personal battles and help students who are facing battles of their own. When I was going through many of those struggles, I didn’t have a handbook for what do, nor anyone in my corner helping me fight. It can be extremely discouraging having to navigate some of the most stressful situations by yourself with little to no knowledge of what to do next. Having overcome MANY of those situations myself, my passion is to pay it forward and be the light in the darkness for many of you.

If you have any questions and/or concerns or would just love to introduce yourself to me, please don’t hesitate to shoot me an email or stop by the student care center!

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@: (电子邮件保护)

嗨,我是伊莉·梅比! 我是一个 mother and social work major; I am  here to help! Shoot me an email to get connected.


Dr. 本杰明·库珀PSY.D(希望计划协调员)

Ben 库珀 joined the 学生关怀中心 in 2021.  本的名字是M.A. in counseling psychology and a Psy.D. in child and family mental health.  Ben has spent his career dedicated to the well-being and education of children, 青少年, 和成人.  跟随他的教育, Ben has worked as an affiliate faculty at MSU in the Department of Psychological Sciences, as a child and family psychotherapist, 特殊教育教师, 和小学校长.  Ben is a native of Colorado and enjoys all of the outdoor adventures Colorado has to offer.  Ben currently lives in Boulder, CO with his wife, Cath, and their dog Lucy.

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